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Portal contracts are an integral part of Omni and are deployed to every supported rollup network EVM and the Omni EVM itself. These contracts are responsible for initiating XMsg requests and maintaining a record of the Omni validator set to verify inbound XMsg deliveries.

Portal Send Logic

These contracts are specifically designed for initiating cross-chain communications, acting as the gateway for emitting cross-chain messages known as XMsg. A notable feature is the "pay at source" fee mechanism, leveraging the native token of the source chain for transaction fees. Moreover, Portal Contracts maintain a record of the omni consensus validator set, essential for the verification of cross-chain message attestations.

Cross-Chain Calls

To initiate a cross-chain call, the Portal Contract provides the xcall method. This function is accessible via the omni.xcall() helper, which simplifies the process of making cross-chain requests. Upon execution, an XMsg Event is emitted, signifying the successful forwarding of the cross-chain message. The xcall method is designed to facilitate seamless communication between chains, underpinning the broader objective of interoperability within the Omni protocol ecosystem.

Below is a summarized fragment for the underlying logic beneath xcall from the Portal contract Solidity source:

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For detailed instructions on conducting cross-chain transactions, refer to the developer section.

Portal Receive Logic

xsubmit Method

The xsubmit method is specifically designed for receiving calls from another chain. It is crucial for the secure and validated processing of cross-chain messages:

  • Accepts calls only from valid signatures, primarily from the designated Relayer.
  • Requires the destination contract address and data, which includes the method and method parameters (data).

Below is a summarized fragment for xsubmit from the Portal contract Solidity source:

* @notice Submit a batch of XMsgs to be executed on this chain
* @param xsub An xchain submisison, including an attestation root w/ validator signatures,
* and a block header and message batch, proven against the attestation root.
function xsubmit(XTypes.Submission calldata xsub) external {
// Submission validations that check non-empty xmsgs, validator set validity and power,
// matching valSetId sequence, quorum signature, and proof of blockHeader and xmsgs in attestationRoot.

// source chain block height of this submission
uint64 blockHeight = xsub.blockHeader.blockHeight;

// last seen block height for this source chain
uint64 lastBlockHeight = inXStreamBlockHeight[xsub.blockHeader.sourceChainId];

// update in stream block height, if it's new
if (blockHeight > lastBlockHeight) inXStreamBlockHeight[xsub.blockHeader.sourceChainId] = blockHeight;

// update in stream validator set id, if it's new
if (valSetId > lastValSetId) inXStreamValidatorSetId[xsub.blockHeader.sourceChainId] = valSetId;

// execute xmsgs
for (uint256 i = 0; i < xsub.msgs.length; i++) {
_exec(xsub.msgs[i]); // performs the contract call

Submission Validation

To ensure the integrity and authenticity of incoming cross-chain messages, the following validation processes are performed:

Submission Validation Code

Below is a summarized fragment for the validations in xsubmit from the Portal contract Solidity source:

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Aggregate Attestation Data Validation

Checks include:

  • Existence of Messages: Ensuring the message batch (XMsgs) is not empty.
  • Validator Set Verification: Verification that the ValidatorSetID is known and the validator set has non-zero power, ensuring the availability of the corresponding validator set.
  • Validator Set Sequence: Ensuring the submission's validator set is either the same as the last seen or the next sequential one, which helps maintain the order and prevents replay of old data.

XMsgBatch Data Validation

This step involves:

  • Chain ID Confirmation: Confirming that the TargetChainID matches the local chain ID, ensuring that the messages are destined for the correct chain.
  • Message Index Verification: For a new batch, verifying that WrappedXMsg indexes start at 0 or follow the last processed message index for ongoing submissions, maintaining the order and integrity of messages.

Aggregate Attestation Signatures Verification

This process includes:

  • Quorum Authentication: Authenticating that the attestation root is signed by a quorum of validators from the validator set, ensuring that a majority agrees on the submitted batch.
  • Proof Verification: Verifying that the block header and messages (XMsgs) are included in the AttestationRoot through a valid Merkle-multi-proof. This proves the integrity and inclusion of the message batch and block header related to the submission.

Update and Execution

Post-validation steps include:

  • Block Height and Validator Set Updates: Updating the last seen block height and validator set ID for the source chain if the new data is more recent, ensuring the system remains up-to-date.
  • Message Execution: Executing each message in the batch upon successful validation, applying the cross-chain data.

Through these meticulous validation, verification, and execution steps, the system guarantees the secure handling of cross-chain messages, facilitating reliable communication across different chains.