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A reference for Omni's user facing solidity contracts and libraries.


  • On-chain gateway into Omni's cross-chain messaging protocol
  • Call contracts on another chain (xcall)
  • Calculate fees for an xcall
  • Read xmsg context when receiving an xcall
IOmniPortal.sol Reference Solidity Interface
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity ^0.8.12;

* @title IOmniPortal
* @notice The OmniPortal is the on-chain interface to Omni's cross-chain
* messaging protocol. It is used to initiate and execute cross-chain calls.
* @dev This snippet only shows functions meant to be called by users.
interface IOmniPortal {
* @notice Default xmsg execution gas limit, enforced on destination chain
function xmsgDefaultGasLimit() external view returns (uint64);

* @notice Maximum allowed xmsg gas limit
function xmsgMaxGasLimit() external view returns (uint64);

* @notice Minimum allowed xmsg gas limit
function xmsgMinGasLimit() external view returns (uint64);

* @notice Maxium number of bytes allowed in xreceipt result
function xreceiptMaxErrorBytes() external view returns (uint64);

* @notice Returns Chain ID of the chain to which this portal is deployed
function chainId() external view returns (uint64);

* @notice Returns the current XMsg being executed via this portal.
* - xmsg().sourceChainId Chain ID of the source xcall
* - xmsg().sender msg.sender of the source xcall
* If no XMsg is being executed, all fields will be zero.
* - xmsg().sourceChainId == 0
* - xmsg().sender == address(0)
function xmsg() external view returns (XTypes.MsgShort memory);

* @notice Returns true the current transaction is an xcall, false otherwise
function isXCall() external view returns (bool);

* @notice Calculate the fee for calling a contract on another chain. Uses xmsgDefaultGasLimit.
* Fees denominated in wei.
* @param destChainId Destination chain ID
* @param data Encoded function calldata
function feeFor(uint64 destChainId, bytes calldata data) external view returns (uint256);

* @notice Calculate the fee for calling a contract on another chain
* Fees denominated in wei.
* @param destChainId Destination chain ID
* @param data Encoded function calldata
* @param gasLimit Execution gas limit, enforced on destination chain
function feeFor(uint64 destChainId, bytes calldata data, uint64 gasLimit) external view returns (uint256);

* @notice Call a contract on another chain Uses xmsgDefaultGasLimit as execution
* gas limit on destination chain
* @param destChainId Destination chain ID
* @param to Address of contract to call on destination chain
* @param data ABI Encoded function calldata
function xcall(uint64 destChainId, address to, bytes calldata data) external payable;

* @notice Call a contract on another chain Uses provide gasLimit as execution gas limit on
* destination chain. Reverts if gasLimit < xmsgMinGasLimit or gasLimit > xmsgMaxGasLimit.
* @param destChainId Destination chain ID
* @param to Address of contract to call on destination chain
* @param data ABI Encoded function calldata
* @param gasLimit Execution gas limit, enforced on destination chain
function xcall(uint64 destChainId, address to, bytes calldata data, uint64 gasLimit) external payable;


  • Base contract for Omni cross-chain applications
  • Simplifies sending / receiving xcalls
XApp.sol Reference Solidity Interface
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity ^0.8.12;

import { IOmniPortal } from "../interfaces/IOmniPortal.sol";
import { XTypes } from "../libraries/XTypes.sol";

* @title XApp
* @notice Base contract for Omni cross-chain applications
contract XApp {
* @notice The OmniPortal contract
IOmniPortal internal immutable omni;

* @notice Transient storage for the current xmsg
XTypes.MsgShort internal xmsg;

* @notice Read current xmsg into storage before execution, delete it afterwards
modifier xrecv() {
xmsg = omni.xmsg();
delete xmsg;

constructor(address _omni) {
omni = IOmniPortal(_omni);

* @notice Return true if the current call is an xcall from the OmniPortal
function isXCall() internal view returns (bool) {
return omni.isXCall() && msg.sender == address(omni);

* @notice Returns the fee for calling a contract on another chain. Uses OmniPortal.xmsgDefaultGasLimit
function feeFor(uint64 destChainId, bytes memory data) internal view returns (uint256) {
return omni.feeFor(destChainId, data);

* @notice Retruns the fee for calling a contract on another chain, with the specified gas limit
function feeFor(uint64 destChainId, bytes memory data, uint64 gasLimit) internal view returns (uint256) {
return omni.feeFor(destChainId, data, gasLimit);

* @notice Call a contract on another chain. Uses OmniPortal.xmsgDefaultGasLimit
* @return fee The fee for the xcall
function xcall(uint64 destChainId, address to, bytes memory data) internal returns (uint256) {
uint256 fee = omni.feeFor(destChainId, data);
require(address(this).balance >= fee || msg.value >= fee, "XApp: insufficient funds");
omni.xcall{ value: fee }(destChainId, to, data);
return fee;

* @notice Call a contract on another chain, with the specified gas limit
* @return fee The fee, denominated in wei
function xcall(uint64 destChainId, address to, bytes memory data, uint64 gasLimit) internal returns (uint256) {
uint256 fee = omni.feeFor(destChainId, data, gasLimit);
require(address(this).balance >= fee || msg.value >= fee, "XApp: insufficient funds");
omni.xcall{ value: fee }(destChainId, to, data, gasLimit);
return fee;


  • Defines core xchain messaging types for the Omni protocol.
  • XTypes.MsgShort is the only type end users interact with. It provides context
XTypes.sol Reference Solidity Code
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity ^0.8.12;

/// @dev Omni xchain types (only user facing types)
library XTypes {
* @notice Trimmed version of Msg that presents the minimum required context for consuming xapps.
* @custom:field sourceChainId Chain ID of the source chain
* @custom:field sender msg.sender of xcall on source chain
struct MsgShort {
uint64 sourceChainId;
address sender;