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Configure a Full Node

This document provides a detailed step-by-step process describing how to manually setup and configure an Omni node. It reproduces what the omni operator init-nodes command does automatically. See Run a Full Node docs for the automated process.

The resulting ~/.omni/<network> folder has the following structure:

~/.omni/<network>/     # Node home folder
├─ halo/ # Consensus client
├─ geth/ # Execution client
├─ compose.yaml # Docker compose

It is a valid configuration for running a production Omni full node.

The supported <network> are:

  • omega testnet, chain id 164
  • mainnet (experimental), chain id 166

Note that validator nodes require additional config as specified in the Run a Validator.

Restore Node Snapshots

As mentioned in the FAQ, Omni supports different ways to sync a node. The fastest and preferred way is to download node snapshots provided by Omni.

  1. Create your node directory:
    mkdir -p ~/.omni/<network>
    cd ~/.omni/<network>
  2. Download and extract latest node snapshots for geth and halo:
    # Create output directories.
    mkdir geth halo
    # Download and extract geth snapshot.
    curl -L | tar --use-compress-program=lz4 -xvf - -C ./geth
    # Download and extract halo snapshot.
    curl -L | tar --use-compress-program=lz4 -xvf - -C ./halo


    If you are using macOS there are some additional steps in order make the above commands work correctly.

    # Install gnu-tar and lz4
    brew install gnu-tar lz4
    # Set an alias for tar, otherwise you have to use gtar instead of tar.
    alias tar=gtar

IMPORTANT: CometBFT State Sync should not be configured when restoring node snapshots.

Configure halo

Halo is a CosmosSDK application. Configuring it is therefore very similar to any CosmosSDK application, learn more from their Running a Node.

The ~/.omni/<network>/halo folder has the following structure:

├─ config/
│ ├── halo.toml # Halo configuration file, similar to Cosmos app.toml
│ ├── config.toml # Standard CometBFT configuration file
│ ├── genesis.json # The <network> consensus chain genesis file
│ ├── node_key.json # Standard CometBFT P2P node identity key
│ ├── priv_validator_key.json # Standard CometBFT consensus private key
├─ data/
│ ├─ priv_validator_state.json # Standard CometBFT slashing DB (validator last signed state)
│ ├─ voter_state.json # Omni xchain slashing DB (last signed state)


halo.toml is Halo's CosmosSDK application configuration file. It is similar to the app.toml file in other CosmosSDK applications. It is located in ~/.omni/<network>/halo/config/halo.toml.

Download the latest default halo.toml here.

The following required fields are empty by default and must be populated:

  • network: Omni network to participate in; mainnet or omega
  • engine-endpoint: Omni execution client Engine API http endpoint
  • engine-jwt-file: Omni execution client JWT file used for authentication. See details here.


config.toml is the CometBFT configuration file. It is located in ~/.omni/<network>/halo/config/config.toml. Learn more from CometBFT docs.

Download the latest default omni config.toml here.

Ensure the following fields are populated:

  • moniker: A custom human readable name for this node
  • mempool.type = "nop": Omni consensus chain doesn't have a mempool
  • proxy_app = "": Only built-in ABCI app supported
  • p2p.external_address: Externally advertised address for incoming P2P connections.
  • p2p.seeds: Omni consensus seed nodes to connect to, see omega's here.
  • p2p.persistent_peers: Can configure this with same seed nodes above.

Configure CometBFT State Sync

When syncing a new full node from scratch, state sync can be configured to speed up the process. Learn more from the CometBFT docs here.

The Omega Omni nodes serving are configured to create snapshots every 100 blocks.

First, obtain the trusted height and hash for the latest snapshot (100th block):

# Get the latest height
LATEST=$(curl -s | jq -r '.result.signed_header.header.height')

# Calculate the snapshot height
let "SNAPSHOT_HEIGHT=$LATEST / 100 * 100"

# Get the snapshot hash
SNAPSHOT_HASH=$(curl -s\?height\=$SNAPSHOT_HEIGHT | jq -r '.result.signed_header.commit.block_id.hash')

Then, configure state sync in ~/.omni/<network>/halo/config/config.toml:

  • statesync.enable = true: Enable state sync
  • statesync.rpc_servers = ",": Two trusted RPC servers required. Can duplicate omni consensus RPC.
  • statesync.trust_height: Set to above SNAPSHOT_HEIGHT
  • statesync.trust_hash: Set to above SNAPSHOT_HASH


genesis.json is the Omni consensus chain genesis file for the specific network (omega vs mainnet). It is located in ~/.omni/<network>/halo/config/genesis.json.

Download the Omega consensus genesis.json here.


node_key.json is the CometBFT P2P node identity key. It is located in ~/.omni/<network>/halo/config/node_key.json.

halo will automatically generate this file on startup if it doesn't exist.

It can be generated via the cometbft cli, see installation instructions here.

cometbft gen-node-key --home ~/.omni/<network>/halo

priv_validator_key.json and state files

priv_validator_key.json is the CometBFT consensus private key. It is located in ~/.omni/<network>/halo/config/priv_validator_key.json.

priv_validator_state.json and voter_state.json are the CometBFT and Omni xchain slashing DBs respectively. They are located in ~/.omni/<network>/halo/data/.

Note that Omni requires secp256k1 consensus private keys, not the default ed25519 keys. The cometBFT cli only generates ed25519 keys so cannot be used.

The omni CLI can be used to generate a secp256k1 consensus private key and associated state files:

omni operator create-consensus-key --home ~/.omni/<network>/halo

Configure geth

Omni uses stock standard geth as the execution client. Learn more from the geth docs.

The ~/.omni/<network>/geth folder has the following structure:

├─ config.toml # Geth configuration file
├─ genesis.json # The <network> execution chain genesis file
├─ geth/
│ ├── nodekey # Geth P2P node identity key
│ ├── jwtsecret # Geth JWT secret file for auth RPC


config.toml is the geth configuration file. It is located in ~/.omni/<network>/geth/config.toml.

Download the latest default omni config.toml here.

Ensure the following fields are populated:

  • NetworkId: Omni network ID; Omega testnet is 164, mainnet is 165.
  • SyncMode = "full": Only full sync supported, snap sync not supported (yet).
  • Node.P2P.Bootnodes:Omni execution seed nodes to connect to, see omega's here.


genesis.json is the Omni execution chain genesis file for the specific network (omega vs mainnet). It is located in ~/.omni/<network>/geth/genesis.json.

Download the Omega execution genesis.json here.

geth MUST be initialized with this genesis file before starting for the first time, see geth docs to learn more:

geth --state.scheme=path init --datadir ~/.omni/<network>/geth/ ~/.omni/<network>/geth/genesis.json


nodekey is the geth P2P node identity key. It is located in ~/.omni/<network>/geth/geth/nodekey.

geth will automatically generate this file during geth init or on startup if it doesn't exist.


jwtsecret is the geth JWT secret file for auth RPC. It is located in ~/.omni/<network>/geth/jwtsecret.

A path to this file (or copy of) must be provided in the halo.toml engine-jwt-file field.

geth will automatically generate this file during geth init on startup if it doesn't exist.

Configure Docker Compose

The preferred way to run an Omni node is via Docker Compose as described in the Run a Full Node docs. The docker compose.yaml file is located in ~/.omni/<network>/compose.yaml.

Download the latest template compose.yaml here.

Ensure the following template fields are replaced:

  • {{.HaloTag}}: The latest omniops/halovisor docker image tag, e.g. v0.99.0, see releases
  • {{.GethTag}}: The ethereum/client-go version supported by the above omni release, see release notes, e.g. v1.99.0.
  • {{.GethVerbosity}}: Geth logging level, 3 is recommended for info level.
  • {{ if .GethArchive }}- --gcmode=archive{{ end }}: Remove this line if not an archive node.